
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Finishing quotes...

This librarian is sometimes funny, yet other times completely wrong.

"3. Life is like riding a bicycle - it's a lot of fun when you're a kid, much less fun when you get older - mostly because of the aching joints and also because you look like a giant dork. Adult bikers...look at yourself. Go on, look! You're wearing a helmet and spandex shorts and a Live Strong bracelet. You'll never be Lance Armstrong, even if you do have only one testicle. Sheryl Crow is not going to have sex with you, ever. Take off those ridiculous sunglasses."

I like to think that I look pretty good on a bike with my team kit. I have no idea why she thinks Oakley sunglasses are ridiculous. Possibly the really enormous ones, but Half Jackets are quite nice. And no, I do not wear a Live Strong bracelet.


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