
Friday, September 16, 2005

Bob Somerby is the best.

Why does any of this matter? Because we think individuals (and political movements) owe a trust to average, ordinary, normal people—the kind of people we were raised by, the trusting kind, who are easily fooled. Over the course of the past fifteen years, the average voter has been played for a fool by the Koppels, the Mitchells, the Matthewses, the Riches. (And the Gerths, the Cecis, the Kits and the Brunis.) We think liberals owe those voters a trust—a trust that, when they come to our sites, they won’t be met by embellished facts and by the stupidest possible “logic.” (We found a single photo caption! We think you should be totally furious!!) We’ve been disgusted, in the past dozen years, to see the public abused as it’s been. And yes, it fills us with disgust when we see our side adopting these practices. We can be just as dumb as they are, our conduct sometimes seems to portend.


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