Good comment at Unfogged
I was really devastated by the election results in 04. I agree with Weiner: it was a poly sci test that lots of people failed. I think what I underestimated in expecting a Kerry victory was how resistant people are to considering themselves suckers. If In the righty blogosphere, you will find many, many interesting examples of that resistance: intelligent people who continue to believe the war was a a good idea, that voting for Bush was the right thing to do, etc. These are people who decided, long before they ever heard of GW Bush, that limited government was a better alternative than an active government, and since one of the parties proclaimed itself the party of limited government, they chose that party as their own. There were political writers who they trusted, and those writers said: vote bush. Then the writers said: we gotta invade iraq. Bush said: we gotta invade iraq. And sure, Bush and the pundits gave reasons, but the average conservative voter didn't spend a long time evaluating those reasons, they simply stocked them up; it's what all people do, having chosen a party.
Since the time of W and maybe before, the republican party has basically been a fraud. But its supporters, they will cling to any kind of justification for its decisions to the bitter end. And we are nowhere near that end. Otherwise is to admit themselves fools.
We need a candidate who is firm enough to tell people they have been fools, and to do it in a way that they will respect. Hillary can do neither of these things, as far as I can tell.
Otherwise we will end up with another Republican presidency. It won't just be a Republican, but one with obvious ties to the set that is in power now, and no less corrupt.
Posted by: text | Link to this comment | 03-13-06 01:05 PM
Since the time of W and maybe before, the republican party has basically been a fraud. But its supporters, they will cling to any kind of justification for its decisions to the bitter end. And we are nowhere near that end. Otherwise is to admit themselves fools.
We need a candidate who is firm enough to tell people they have been fools, and to do it in a way that they will respect. Hillary can do neither of these things, as far as I can tell.
Otherwise we will end up with another Republican presidency. It won't just be a Republican, but one with obvious ties to the set that is in power now, and no less corrupt.
Posted by: text | Link to this comment | 03-13-06 01:05 PM
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