
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Terrorists versus Theocrats?

I have a good old friend who listens faithfully to Democracy Now! and insists that evangelical Christians are a greater threat to freedom and American values as she understands them than the radical Muslims are. When I mention terrorism, she points to the guy who killed the abortion doctor a few years back.

So while I think that radical Muslim terrorists are a genuine threat, it is American fundamentalist Christianity that drives progressives to irrational madness. (Cf. Bill Moyers' essay in NY Review of Books from last year -- and he's an ordained minister.)

I don't think the answer is entirely clear. What is the probability of dying in a terrorist attack in the United States? What is the probability that evangelical Christians and neo-Conservatives fuck up America? I would say that the former is certainly less than 1/50,000. The latter is certainly 1. QED.


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