
Saturday, April 30, 2005

A Debate

"Sartre's emphasis on the humanist values in Marx and the emphasis on the early Marx this gave rise to, led to a famous dispute with the leading Communist intellectual in France in the 1960s, Louis Althusser, in which Althusser attempted to redefine Marx's work into an early pre-Marxist period, with essentialist generalizations about Mankind, and a mature, scientific, authentically Marxist period (starting between the Grundrisse and Das Kapital). Some say this was the only public debate Sartre ever lost."

A debate worth following, unlike the crappy he-said-she-said "debate" between Dems and Repubs portrayed in the NYT and others. Another plug for is apt. The "large staff" at the Daily Howler shows how laughable our discourse really is.


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